Exhibition FAQ’s

Frequently Asked Questions

About DAS’ New-Style Exhibitions…

Where and when can I get tickets for the Opening of the Annual Exhibition?

Tickets for the Annual Exhibition Opening are now available in our online Shop. Tickets can also be purchased on the night at the door. The opening is on Friday 4th October, 2024, at the DAS Gallery, Dowling Street Dungog

How can I enter the Visual Arts or Crafts sections of the Annual Exhibition, ‘The Tops’?

Sorry, but the Visual Arts and Crafts entries are now closed.

What’s on at the exhibitions for Performing Artists?

Performing Artists- 7 performers were chosen at the Gig in the Gog on 15/09/24 to showcase their talents at the Opening of the Annual Exhibition! The next Gig is on Sunday 13/10/24. As always, it will be an all ages, free, fun event.

How long does each exhibition run for?

Three months.

How much is commission?

There is NO COMMISSION to be paid on ANY SALES of art or craft works. NONE.

Artists/makers may want to take that into consideration when calculating selling prices for works. OR they may want to sell at their usual prices and keep the ‘bonus’ amount incurred by selling without commission… It is up to the artist/maker to decide on their selling prices for works.

Can I take work during the three months if I need it for another exhibition etc.?

Yes, absolutely. You can also replace it with another new work AT NO COST so long as the new work is in the same cost group.

What is a ‘cost group’?

Entry fees are charged according to the sale price of the work. There are three ‘cost groups’-

Under $20,
Under $150, and
$150 and over.

How much are the entry fees?

Entry fees vary, depending on the cost of the work and whether the entrant is a member or non-member.

The following fees are grouped by cost (‘cost groups’)


Works priced under $20; entry is free, (limit of 4 pieces, or 20 cards)
Works priced at $20- $149; entry for DAS members is $15 per work, entry for non-members is $30 per work
Works priced at $150 and over; entry for DAS members is $30 per work, entry for non-members is $60 per work

Under 18’s:

Works priced under $20 are free (limit of four works)
Works priced at $20 and over; $5 per work

Can I replace work that sells? And do I need to pay another entry fee to replace sold work?

Yes, please replace sold work with new work (in the same cost group). And no, there is NO entry fee to replace sold work with new work (in the same cost group). As many times as you like. For example, artists/makers could sell ten or more works over the three months and only pay ONE entry fee and NO commission.

What happens if I sell a work, and replace that first work with another and then the new work sells?

Then you can replace the new work- again and again and again, AT NO COST for works in the same cost group. And with NO COMMISSION to pay. Artists and makers pay ONE entry fee to enter a work for the three months of the exhibition. If/when that work sells, the buyer can take it home and the artist/maker can replace the sold work AT NO COST, without paying another entry fee- so long as the new work is in the same cost group.

Can I replace a work in the exhibition that hasn’t sold?

Yes, you can swap a work in the exhibition for a new work, AT NO COST, so long as they are in the same cost group. But only after the first week of the exhibition. And only works exhibited on the opening day will be eligible for judging in the competitions, and therefore, for prizes. (Which is only commonsense- if they aren’t there for judging, they can’t be judged.)

So I can replace work that has sold, and work that hasn’t sold- can the new works replacing either of these be judged for prizes?

Sorry, but no. The only works which can be judged for prizes are those which are displayed for judging at the start of the exhibition, thus are available for viewing at the opening. That is, works delivered before the close of deliveries date. (Replacement works can be delivered and displayed after the first week, but by then the judging for prizes is over, so replacement works can’t be judged, which means they can’t win a prize. Unless you have a time machine.)

Can I enter new works during the exhibition?

Yes, you are most welcome to bring in new, additional works after the first week of the exhibition. Each new, additional work will incur an entry fee, and cannot be judged for prizes (as that is done at the start of the first week). Please note- ONLY additional works, that is works NOT replacing works already entered will incur an additional fee.

For example, an artist may enter two works at the beginning of the exhibition… After a month they might decide to add another work, and additional work, which means that they would have three works in the exhibition. The third work would incur an entry fee, and only the first two would be eligible for prizes. If, say one of the works sold, and the artist decided to bring in a new work to replace the one sold, there would be NO fee for replacing a sold work.

What’s this ‘theme’ thing?

Artists and makers can choose to enter works inspired by the exhibition theme, but using the theme is NOT required or mandatory. Works inspired by the theme can be entered for the Theme Prize. (The first theme for the Annual Exhibition, which opens in October, is ‘The Tops’.)

Do I have to be a DAS member to exhibit?

No! Members of Dungog Arts Society and non members are all welcome. EVERYONE is welcome to enter!

How much is DAS membership?

Yearly membership of DAS costs $60 per person. (If you intend entering more than one exhibition, or more than one work in one exhibition, this can give a saving on entry fees, depending on cost groups and numbers of works entered.)

Members do NOT have to reside in Dungog Shire- we have members from all around the Hunter Valley.

Will there be competitions and prizes for young people?

Yes. There will be Youth and Junior sections as well as the Adult section. All ages are welcome.

What about Craftspeople, Makers and Artisans?

There will be judging and prizes for the ‘Craft’ section, with various categories, divided into Junior, Youth and Adult age groups.

Performing Artists?

Every second Sunday, from 12-2pm, DAS hosts ‘Gig in the Gog’, a free, all ages event where performing artists can play, sing, recite, dance… and do whatever fabulous things they do. Together, or individually. It’s a friendly, laid back atmosphere and a fun afternoon. Everyone is welcome.

Is there a size limit on works?

Yes, because of space DAS has to limit Visual Arts works to no more than one metre in any direction.

DAS reserves the right to not display any works due to size, weight or other constraints, but we will do our best to ensure that all works are displayed to best advantage.

What are the prizes for the Annual Exhibition, ‘The Tops’?

The prizes total over $3000 in value for this exhibition. There are more details, including amounts for all the prizes and the competitions here.


If you would like to ask a question that isn’t answered here, please use the contact form below, email admin@dungogarts.com.au or visit our contact details page.